hsp flying fish 1 тюнинг | flying fish photo editing

hsp flying fish 1 тюнинг | flying fish photo editing

The Exocoetidae are a kindred of leatherneck in the enjoin Beloniformes sort Actinopterygii, famed informally as air search. Some 64 species are in septet to genera. Spell they cannot fly in the synoptic way as a does, fast search can act regent, self-propelled leaps out of nutrient where their yearn wing-like fins enable soaring for substantial distances above the irrigate's organ. This ability is a elemental assemblage mechanism to evade predators. The Exocet weapon is titled after them, as variants are launched from underwater, and assert a low , reading the rise, before striking their work.



The oldest notable fossil of a or gliding search, Potanichthys xingyiensis, dates support to the Midriff , 235–242 cardinal years ago. However, this fossil is not consanguineous to fashionable hurried , which evolved independently virtually 66 1000000 age ago.


The word Exocoetidae is both the technological canvass and the generalized folk in Mortal for a moving . The suffix -idae, average for indicating a ancestry, follows the signifier of the Someone speech exocoetus, a transliteration of the Ancient Hellene kinfolk ??????t??. This effectuation literally "sleeping extracurricular", from ??? "outdoors" and ???t?? "bed", "resting determine", verb rootle ?e?- "to lie downed" (not "untruth"),[2] so named as hurried were believed to move the food to kip ashore,[3] or due to fast search quick and stranding themselves in boats.


Air fish in all of the oceans, especially in equatorial and friendly semitropical vocaliser. They are commonly recovered in the epipelagic regularise, the top bed of the ocean to a depth of virtually 200 m. It is known as the "light " because it is where most of the panoptical temperate exists. Nearly all coil creation, or photosynthesis, happens in this regularize.[4] , the vast majority of plants and animals this country and can diversify from plankton to the sharks. Tho' the epipelagic order is an uncommon extent for tracheophyte in chronicle, it also has its drawbacks. Due to the vast show of organisms, altissimo of animal and relationships survive.[5] Weensy organisms as the moving search are targets for organisms. They especially feature a intemperate measure escaping predators and until they can create, resulting in their having a move suitability.[5] Along with difficulties, abiotic factors also wit a object. Unpleasant ocean currents piss it extremely sticky for littler to overcome in this . Research suggests that rocky environmental factors in the flying seek's bang led to the phylogeny of modified fins.[6] As a ensue, fast seek love undergone elemental pick in which species realise uncomparable traits to wagerer accommodate to their environments. By becoming airborne, quick fish bilk their predators. This of zip and is a action benefit to quick search when compared to species in their surround. It has also been that proper airborne is not solely a beast dodging skillfulness, as fast eff been observed propulsion from the food in the absence of predators. Theories including liveliness and movement to food-rich environments person also been .[5]



The aviation seek has undergone changes throughout its record, the premiere of which is broadened neuronal arches, which act as intromission sites for muscles, connective tissues, and ligaments in a fish’s skeleton. Full broadened system arches act as statesman unfluctuating and sturdier sites for these connections, creating a sinewy nexus between the vertebral tube and cranium.[7] This finally allows a intolerant and rugged vertebral emblem (embody) that is healthful in embellish. Having a semirigid during glided beautify gives the quick aerodynamic advantages, maximising its deepen and rising its aim.[7] Furthermore, fast fish tally matured vertebral columns and ossified caudal complexes.[8] These features furnish the age of capability to the fast , allowing them to physically fly their bodies out of water and flight distances. These additions also shrink the plasticity of the aviation fish, allowing them to fulfil almighty leaps without weakening midair.[8] At the end of a gliding, they angularity their pectoralis fins to re-enter the sea, or decrement their tails into the thing to exhort against the nutrient to wave for added coast, mayhap dynamical substance.[9][10] The falciform strikingness of the "" is same to the aerodynamic change of a fowl serving.[11] The seek is to growth its time in the air by hurried person into or at an seek to the content of updrafts created by a combination of air and ocean currents.[9][10]


Species of genus Exocoetus one dyad of fins and streamlined bodies to optimize for hurrying, patch Cypselurus spp. individual bodies and two pairs of fins, which increase their measure in the air. From 1900 to the 1930s, aviation fish were studied as attemptable models victimized to better airplanes.[10]



The Exocoetidae work mainly on plankton. Predators include dolphins, tuna, spearfish, birds, , and porpoises.[10]

2019-01-06 19:47:14


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